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请收下我的膝盖! 日本老太80岁开发游戏!-zoty中欧体育

时间:2024-09-23 22:01:01

   本文摘要:One Japanese woman has proved that age really is just a number.一位来自日本的女性早已证明,年龄知道只是一个数字而已。

One Japanese woman has proved that age really is just a number.一位来自日本的女性早已证明,年龄知道只是一个数字而已。Masako Wakamiya learned how to use a computer at the age of 60 and now, at 81-years-old, she has released an app that shows people how to properly display traditional dolls for Hinamatsuri.若宫雅子在60岁的时候开始自学如何用于电脑,而今,81岁的她顺利地发售了一款教教人们怎样准确放置传统娃娃雏祭典的app。

Wakamiya spent 43 years of her life leading in a bank in Japan and only started using computers at the age of 60, reports RocketNews24.据日本RocketNews24网站报导,若宫卸任前曾在一家日本银行工作了43年,直到在60岁时才开始自学计算机技术。However, she is showing others that not all elderly individuals are afraid of technology and refers to herself as an ICT Evangelists, which stands for information, communication and technology.然而,若宫向世人证明了,并不是所有的老年人都对科技望而生畏,她自居ICT的倡导者,即“信息”(information)、“交流(communication)”和“技术(technology)”。

Wakamiya bought her first computer at the age of 60 and joined an online computer club to become more familiar with the technology – but this was after she setup and connected the computer to the web on her own.60岁的时候,若宫给自己买了第一台电脑,而后,为了更加熟知计算机技术,她重新加入了一个网上计算机俱乐部--这是在她自己将电脑设置好并相连到网上之后的事情了。After learning more about computers, Wakamiya came up with an Excel art that fills the cells with different functions that create patterns that produce colorful works of art – and now she is designing her own apps.在习了更好计算机科学知识之后,若宫建构出有一种Excel艺术,就是在Excel表格中放入有所不同的函数公式,然后作出有所不同图案,最后创作出有色彩斑斓的艺术作品。而现在,她早已在自律研发手机应用于了。

The app, called Hinadan, asks players to place 12 dolls in their respective positions on a standard display with four tiers.该应用程序取名为“雏坛”,雏坛一共有四行,玩家必需将12个代表有所不同角色的娃娃放置到各自的方位上。If you place the doll in the wrong spot, the app will play a Boo sound, but if it is correct, players should hear Pon and the sounds of a drum.如果把娃娃放到错误的地方,该程序将不会收到嘘声,如果放对了,玩家就不会听到“咚”的一下鼓声。The game will then finished once the dolls are arranged in their proper order, which is important to honor the traditional of Hinamatsuri, or Girls Day, which takes place on March 3rd.所有的娃娃都放在了准确的方位时游戏方告完结,在日本的传统里,雏祭典人偶必需放在准确的方位。

雏祭典,又称女儿节,在日本每年三月三日展开庆典。Although Wakamiya may break the stereotypes of most elderly individuals, a study does suggest that she is heading down the right path to avoid other health risks.虽然若宫有可能与大多数老年人刻板的样子有所不同,但显然有研究指出,她这样的生活方式的确可以防治其它身体健康问题。

A team at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona linked numerous activities with preserving brain power in the elderly – but logging on seems particularly effective.一个来自亚利桑那州梅奥医学中心的团队列出了多种维持老年人大脑活力的活动--但上网冲浪的效果样子最为引人注目。The American study found that those who used a computer at least once a week were 42 percent less likely than those who didnt to develop mild cognitive impairment, which is often a warning sign for dementia.这个美国团队的研究找到,那些每周最少用于一次电脑的人比那些从不必电脑的人患上认知障碍的几率要小42%。认知障碍一般是老年痴呆的前兆。



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