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时间:2024-09-22 22:01:01

   本文摘要:Nokia is returning to the consumer market only months after it sold its handsets business to Microsoft, as it launches a partnership with Foxconn to make the N1, a tablet device, before launching other products, writes Daniel Thomas.诺基亚(Nokia)在将手机业务出售给微软公司(Microsoft)数月后重回消费者市场,与富士康(Foxconn)合作发售一款平板产品N1,未来还将公布其他产品。

Nokia is returning to the consumer market only months after it sold its handsets business to Microsoft, as it launches a partnership with Foxconn to make the N1, a tablet device, before launching other products, writes Daniel Thomas.诺基亚(Nokia)在将手机业务出售给微软公司(Microsoft)数月后重回消费者市场,与富士康(Foxconn)合作发售一款平板产品N1,未来还将公布其他产品。Foxconn, the Chinese tech group that builds the iPad for Apple, will make the Android-based tablet from designs and standards provided by Nokia. The Finnish group will receive a licence fee for use of its brand.富士康是一家中国技术企业,为苹果公司(Apple)生产iPad产品。富士康将为诺基亚生产配备Android操作系统的平板电脑,由诺基亚获取设计和标准。用于诺基亚品牌许可的富士康将向这家芬兰集团缴纳许可费。

Ramzi Haidamus, Nokia’s technology chief, said the N1 tablet would be as good as Apple’s iPad mini but cost less.诺基亚首席技术官拉姆齐海德穆斯(Ramzi Haidamus)回应,N1平板将和苹果的iPad mini产品一样好,但价格更加较低。It was just the first consumer product that would be designed and labelled as a Nokia device. “It’s the first of many coming: more SKUs [items for sale], more sizes, more features,” he told the FT in his first interview since becoming head of Nokia’s technology division. “We will go beyond tablets, for sure.”这将是诺基亚出售手机业务后发售的首款由诺基亚设计,有诺基亚Logo的产品。“这款产品是未来要发售的许多东西的开端:更好SKU(要销售的产品),更加多尺寸规格,更加多特色功能,”海德穆斯在兼任诺基亚技术部门主管后首次拒绝接受英国《金融时报》专访时回应,“我们认同不会发售平板以外的产品。

”Nokia is prohibited from making smartphones until 2016 under the terms of the sale of its handset business to Microsoft. But Mr Haidamus said: “We will be looking at going into the cellphone licensing business post-Microsoft-rights.”根据将手机业务出售给微软公司的条款,诺基亚在2016年之前不得生产智能手机。但海德穆斯说道:“在微软公司的权利条款过热后,我们将考虑到积极开展手机许可业务。



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