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时间:2024-09-21 03:57:18

   本文摘要:Most valuable brands: 9 American and 1 from China世界10大最有价值品牌:中国1个、美国9个Shenzhen-based tech firm Tencent has broken into a ranking of the top 10 most valuable brands published by BrandZ.Brand Z全球最不具价值品牌百强榜新鲜出炉,总部坐落于深圳的腾讯名列第10位,沦为历史上首次转入榜单前十名的中国公司。

Most valuable brands: 9 American and 1 from China世界10大最有价值品牌:中国1个、美国9个Shenzhen-based tech firm Tencent has broken into a ranking of the top 10 most valuable brands published by BrandZ.Brand Z全球最不具价值品牌百强榜新鲜出炉,总部坐落于深圳的腾讯名列第10位,沦为历史上首次转入榜单前十名的中国公司。The annual ranking is typically dominated by American companies with global reach, making the inclusion of a Chinese firm notable.长期以来转入该榜单的绝大多数都是美国品牌,因此,腾讯此次入榜特别是在值得注意。Tencent specializes in popular online games, apps, instant messaging services and online payments. It boasts a market capitalization of $330 billion, making it worth more than Americas most valuable bank: JPMorgan Chase (JPM).腾讯公司牵涉到的领域有:在线游戏,手机应用于,即时消息服务以及在线缴纳,它的市值为3300亿,多达了美国最不具价值的摩根大通银行。

Heres a round-up of the worlds 10 most valuable brands:以下是转入榜单前十的企业:1. Google1、谷歌Google is still the most valuable brand in the world; a title it has retained for seven out of the past 11 years.谷歌仍旧是世界上最不具价值的企业品牌;在过去的11年中,它早已倒数7年位列榜首.Its brand value -- worth just over $245 billion -- increased by 7% from 2016.谷歌的品牌价值多达2.45万亿,较2016年快速增长了7%.Googles brand is associated with innovative research, self-driving cars and helpful online services like Google Drive, Google Docs and Google Maps.该公司的项目牵涉到创新性研究,无人驾驶汽车,以及一些在线服务,如:谷歌硬盘,谷歌文档以及谷歌地图.Bonus: The company consistently ranks as one of the worlds best employers.奖金:谷歌仍然都是世界上待遇最差的公司.2. Apple2、苹果Apples brand value nudged up by 3% to $235 billion, helping it retain the No. 2 position in the ranking. But the brand has lost some shine since?2015 when it topped the BrandZ ranking.苹果的品牌价值为2.35万亿,下跌了3%,夺得榜眼的方位。然而在2015,苹果曾是BrandZ榜单的榜首,这指出该公司的影响力早已有所下降。

BrandZs ranking relies heavily on consumer perceptions. If people cant see that Apple is being innovative, its brand value will suffer.由于BrandZ榜单的审定主要是依赖消费者的观点。因此,如果人们无法看见苹果公司的创意,它的品牌价值将不会面对很大挑战。

3. Microsoft3、微软公司Microsoft has landed in the third slot for three years running. Its brand valuation nudged up by 5% to $143 billion.微软公司已倒数三年夺得探花的方位,其品牌价值为1.43万亿,较上年提高了5%。Microsoft generates nearly a third of its revenue and almost 40% of its operating profits from its Intelligent Cloud line of businesses.“智能云”项目所带给的收益完全占有了其运营收益的半壁江山,也是其总收入的三分之一。Investors are clearly happy with the company: Shares have shot up by about 16% since the start of the year.很似乎,投资者们对微软公司的业绩很是失望。微软公司的股价自年初早已下跌了16%,呈圆形直线下降趋势。

4. Amazon4、亚马逊Amazon has been on fire over the past year and its brand value surged by 41% to hit $139 billion.去年,亚马逊名列榜单第五。今年,该公司的品牌价值超过了1.39万亿,下跌了41%。

The retail giant offers a wide range of services: online shopping, grocery delivery, cloud computing and entertainment are just the tip of the iceberg. Its continuing to develop artificial intelligence services and its personal digital assistant, Alexa.身兼零售业的巨头公司,亚马逊的服务牵涉到多项领域:在线购物,货物仓储,云计算以及娱乐项目等。上述领域还只是冰山一角。

亚马逊公司还致力于研发人工智能服务和个人数字助手,Alexa。Investors have taken notice too, bidding up shares by 34% since the start of the year.投资者们也注意到了这点,因此他们开始哄抬亚马逊的股价,从年初开始,该公司的股价早已下跌了34%。

5. Facebook5、脸谱网The Facebook brand continues to perform well, despite scandals over fake news andviolent events streamed live on its platform.尽管经常出现了假新闻和直播暴力事件的丑闻,脸谱网之后维持了其较好的势头。Facebooks brand value shot up by 27% over the past year to hit $130 billion.该公司的品牌价值也是一路下跌,超过1.3万亿美元,快速增长了27%。6. ATT6、美国电话电报公司(ATT)Telecom giant ATT has appeared in the ranking for seven consecutive years and its brand has increased in value by 65% over that period. Its now worth $115 billion.电信巨头ATT早已倒数7年经常出现在榜单中,在过去的7年中,该公司的品牌价值增涨了65%,超过了今年的1.15亿美元。

The company is trying to close an?acquisition of CNNs parent company, Time Warner ,that is worth about $109 billion including debt. If the purchase goes ahead, it would be one of the biggest takeovers of all time.ATT正在尝试并购时代华纳。时代华纳是CNN的母公司,还包括债务在内,其品牌价值为1.09万亿美元。这项并购一旦创建,将沦为史上仅次于的并购。

7. Visa7、维萨Visa is an American company with a name thats recognized around the world.完全全世界都了解维萨这个美国企业。The companys brand value increased 10% to hit $111 billion this year.今年,该公司的品牌价值超过了1.11万亿美元,快速增长了10%。The brand got a particularly big boost after Costco ended its relationship with American Express last year in favor of a new one with Visa andCitigroup .好市多在去年完结了和美国通运公司的合作,并与维萨以及花旗银行创建了合作关系,这使得维萨的品牌价值剧增。

Millions of former Costco AmEx cards were subsequently transferred to Visa and Citi.随后,上百万的美国运通卡都改以了维萨和花旗卡。8. Tencent8、腾讯Led by its media-shy CEO, Pony Ma Huateng,Tencent is huge in China, where its messaging platform WeChat is used for everything from texting to booking karaoke sessions.腾讯是中国的一家大型公司,它旗下的即时消息平台微信用途普遍,从放信息到k歌一应俱全。BrandZ said that increased used of WeChat helped to propel Tencent into the top 10 for the first time. Its brand value jumped 27% to $108 billion.BrandZ杂志称之为腾讯首次入榜归功于微信使用量的快速增长,其品牌价值超过1.08万亿美元,同期快速增长27%。The only other Chinese firm to have cracked the top 10 is China Mobile, but it hasnt appeared on the list since 2013.此前,中国移动中国唯一转入榜单前十的企业,然而2013年后,它就从榜单上消失了。

Tencent is hoping to avoid that same fate by expanding globally. It announced plans last month to set up an artificial intelligence research lab in Seattle.上个月,腾讯宣告计划在在西雅图创建人工智能的实验室,我们期望该公司不要因为全球扩展而重蹈中国移动的覆辙。9. IBM9、美国商用机器公司(IBM)IBM has been included in the ranking since it started in 2006.2006年,brandZ榜单首次发布,从那时起,IBM公司就仍然正处于排在地位。This year the brand has been valued at $102 billion, up 18% from last year.2017年,IBM公司的品牌价值超过1.02万亿美元,同期快速增长18%。

The company has helped boost its consumer appeal through the development of the artificial intelligence mascot Watson.通过研发享有人工智能的吉祥物沃森,IBM更有了更加多的消费者。10. McDonalds10、麦当劳McDonalds is the only truly non-tech company to be featured in the top 10 ranking this year.今年,麦当劳是前十名中唯一的非科技企业。

The brand has received a boost by introducing more healthy food options. Its also offering more locally-inspired options in places like China and India, said Wang.该公司品牌价值的剧增归功于研发了更加多的身体健康菜品。



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